Safer Community
Disclosure and reporting of sexual harm
If you or another student has experienced sexual harm you can disclose or report to Safer Community. Safer Community will listen, believe, and support you, discuss options for your support and safety, and assist you in determining a course of action which is right for you.
It is important to note the difference between disclosing and reporting an experience:
1. Disclosing the incident is where an individual confides in someone else that they have been the victim of sexual harm, in order to receive resources and support;
2. Formally reporting is where a student or staff member provides a formal account or statement about the sexual harm to the University. As a result, an internal investigation may commence, determining if the conduct constitutes a breach of any relevant instruments, including the General Misconduct Statute 2009 (students).
If an individual chooses to either disclose or formally report any incident of sexual harm to Safer Community, the University may have to investigate the incident to comply with its legal obligations. An example of this is if the University believes that there is serious risk to others, and the University needs to take appropriate action to ensure the safety of the community is upheld. If this happens, you have the right to choose whether or not you wish to participate in the investigation, you will be kept informed about what is happening, and we will support you throughout the process.